Label: Kaften - All

19-02-2019 - tuesday

22-09-2018 - saturday

Klorex 55

Car EP

Klorex 55 has moved his base to Hawaiian latitudes where he hangs out with the king himself. They have been seen in a brand new Cadillac each other da... more...

12inch Kaften: Kaften012

04-05-2018 - friday

K.S.U. / Okovi

Kroppen Som Uttrycksmedel

New single on Kaften with two slow-twisted experimental obscurities!

7inch Kaften: Kaften011

01-12-2017 - friday

M. Jupiter


Driving the tractor from the very south of Sweden to the more juicy lands of watermelon. Its going to make you sweat and it's going to make you smell.... more...

12inch Kaften: Kaften010

29-03-2017 - wednesday


Dazzling Tongue

From the westcoast of Sweden Neunaugen gives you three funky-space-electro-acid tracks for the dancefloor. No chance to sit still when this is played.... more...

12inch Kaften: Kaften009

Egyptian Eyeliner

Theda Bara EP

The second Egyptian Eyeliner release on käfTen is just as tearful and sentimental. Ecstasy on the housefloor.

12inch Kaften: Kaften007

Claus Fovea


The second 7'' of kafTen is dark energic synth tones from Claus Fovea that will make you dance your socks off.

7inch Kaften: Kaften006

7inch Kaften: Kaften004