- No More (feat Warren Morris & Run Riddium - album edit)
- Face II Face (album edit)
- Broken (feat E-Life - album edit)
- Grow (feat Ollie - album edit)
- Anger (Ophidian remix - album edit)
- Chaos (album edit)
- Another Way Up (album edit)
- Smash (album edit)
- Drunk With A Gun (Evil Activities remix - album edit)
- Overcome (feat Lilly Julian - album edit)
- Judgment Day (album edit)
- Art (Placid K remix - album edit)
- Changed The Game (album edit)
- Damned To Hell (feat Kimiko - album edit)
- A New Today (feat Lilly Julian - album edit)
- Abduction (album edit)
- Scrap Attack (Endymion remix - album edit)
- The Industry (album edit)
- Payback (Tommyknockers Yes I Am remix -album edit)
- My Music World (album edit)
- Compagneros (Endymion remix - album edit)
- Alternate Reality (Endymion & Evil Activities remix - album edit)
- None To Give (album edit)
- Sanity (feat Nikkita - album edit)
- Revelations (Endymion remix - album edit)
- Who I Am (album edit)
- One (Endymion remix - album edit)
- Outcasts (album edit)
- Throes Of Rejection (Endymion & Nosferatu remix - album edit)
- Justice (album edit)
30 tracks | Enzyme |