- Two Full Moons & A Trout (14" mix - remastered)
- Cambodia (Clanger remix)
- Seadog
- Vicious Circles (Spirit Level mix)
- Colours (Indigo mix)
- Elektron Bender (Willi mix)
- Gloria (Transparent mix - remastered)
- Away The Throttle Pedal Stop (Union Jack remix)
- Deeper Than Deep (Poltergeist remix)
- Lollipop Man (remastered)
- Sea Of Tranquility
- Vicious Circles (Union Jack remix)
- Octopus (Man With No Name remix)
- Tempest (Union Jack remix - remastered)
- Red Herring
- What?
- Plastic Gourd
- Octopus (remastered)
- Cactus (remastered)
- Orange
20 tracks | Platipus |