- Melodrama (Marc DePulse remix)
- Fact Or Fiction
- Morgens Kurz Nach Halb 8 (Beatamines remix)
- Kangaroo Bar
- Herr Kapellmeister (Beatamines remix)
- Shit Storm Boogy
- Dirty (Marcel Sterling remix)
- Dopamin
- Microtrauma
- Catwalk (Beatamines remix)
- Crotalus (Marco Fender remix)
- Flipp The Flopp
- Red Wire (Klangwelt 3000 remix)
- Fokuhila
- White Hope (feat Tristan Fogel)
- Meu Sal
- Uba Tuba (Drauf & Dran Simplelistix mix)
- Funky
- The Sternburg Commandment
- Western Train
- Blooper Beep (TonkBerlin remix)
21 tracks | Budenzauber |