- You Know I Love Her (Dimitry Liss She Loves You Too)
- Golden Room (An-Beat remix)
- Love Feeling High (Jaceo remix)
- In Your Eyes (Tensnake remix)
- Step Pyramid (Traks Boys remix)
- Keep It Horny
- Floating (feat Mizza - Jose Zaragoza Re Up ReBump remix)
- Bogofunk
- Micromecanic
- Down Town
- Robots' Desire (Jose Zaragoza Uptempo Flip remix)
- The Chicago House Tribe
- Around Amsterdam
- It's True (Ron Flatter remix)
- Topsy Disco
- Sunday
- Questo Amore Splendido (Space Ranger remix)
- He's The Greatest Dancer
- We R 1 (Ezequiel Sanchez remix)
- Can't Stop Looking (feat Margo Gontar - dub mix)
- Burn
21 tracks | Restore Music |