- The Ecstasy Of Gold (from the good the bad & the ugly)
- The Good, The Bad & The Ugly (from the good the bad & the ugly)
- For A Few Dollars More (from for a few dollars more)
- Wacht Chime (carillons theme #2 - from for a few dollars more)
- Once Upon A Time In The West (from once upon a time in the west)
- Duck, You Sucker! - A Fistful Of Dynamite (from duck you sucker - a fistful of dynamite)
- My Name Is Nobody (from my name is nobody)
- Se Sei Qualcuno A Colpa Mia (from my name is nobody)
- Chase - Inseguimento (from the good the bad & the ugly)
- Mucchio Selvaggio (from my name is nobody)
- Chaple Shootout (from for a few dollars more)
- The Trio - Il Triello (from the good the bad & the ugly)
12 tracks | Bacci Brothers |