- Room 666 (Red Axes remix)
- We Are The Ones (Shinichi Osawa remix)
- Dimanche (feat Santana - Mike Simonetti remix)
- Through The City (feat Hazel Tratt - Alien Alien Remi)
- The Mood I'm In (Gameboyz remix)
- Soapopera (Hannulelauri remix)
- The Strange Art (In Flagranti remix)
- Gone (rework)
- Clef III (Alejandro Paz remix)
- Wrong Thing (feat Lou Teti - Villa remix)
- Infamous Lovers (Kasper Bjorke remix)
- Beginnings (Get A Room remix)
- Happynomony (Justin Robertsons The Deadstock 33s remix)
- La Belle Chimaeras (continuous DJ mix)
14 tracks | La Belle |