- Break The Ice (feat Lj Ayrten - Denis Kenzo remix)
- Memoirs
- Easy For You (NoMosk remix)
- Skyline (feat Carina - Denis Sender remix)
- Kill It
- Cheboksary (A & Z remix)
- Future In You
- High Contrast (Iversoon & Alex Daf remix)
- Megapolis
- The One (feat Tiff Lacey - Cold Rush remix)
- Fall In Love (feat Rave Channel)
- Lost Soul (feat Christina Novelli)
- Armageddon
- One Day In Mountains (Mino Safy remix)
- Darkness (Witness45 remix)
- Gloria (Violin Theme)
- Frozen (feat Christina Novelli - Allen & Envy remix)
- The Razor (feat Johnny Norberg - UCast remix)
- Midnight Way (Alpha Duo remix)
- Your Soul (feat Ridgewalkers - Photographer remix)
20 tracks | Suanda Music |