- Visceral 049 (Part 1)
- Ruhi (Just Emma remix)
- Day After That (original mix)
- Refraction (Matter remix)
- There's No Turning Back (dub mix)
- Akhir (Hot TuneiK remix)
- Schiphol (original mix)
- Reset Ft. John M (Animal Picnic remix)
- Now And Here (original mix)
- Ulinpit Disconnection (Analog Jungs remix)
- Inner Voices (Cream & Deep Fog remix)
- Visceral 049 (Part 2)
- Sendher (KMLN remix)
- Concluded (original mix)
- Falter (Juan Deminicis remix)
- Singularity (original)
- Purplee Mood (D-Formation & T U S H remix)
- A Rush Morning (original mix)
- Inner Fierce (original mix)
- Airlock (original mix)
- Fractal Dust (MUUI remix)
- Desert Fathers (Out Of Sorts remix)
22 tracks | Visceral |