- My Way Out (feat Cat Martin - Reii remix)
- My Way Out (feat Cat Martin - Sonic Element remix)
- For What We Have Lost (Ian Betts remix)
- Daydream (Simon Bostock remix)
- Stronger (feat Julie Harrington - Jon O'Bir remix)
- Stronger (feat Julie Harrington - Jon O'Bir dub)
- Fall To Me (Luke Bond remix)
- Heads Down (Active Limbic System remix)
- Telic (Part One - Boxer remix)
- Telic (Part One - Sam Starr rework)
- Sniper (John Dopping Headshot)
- Access (Peetu S remix)
- Temper (Nexus 3 remix)
- The Fall (John Askew remix)
14 tracks | Activa Music |