Tokyo Calling (Olympic & Paralympic Edition)
Various - Tokyo Calling (Olympic & Paralympic Edition)

- Another Day (feat Juju - Unreleased Fizzikx alternative mix)
- Is It Worth It (Unreleased original mix)
- Moon Motocross (Unreleased original mix)
- Existence (feat Mine - Unreleased Tomo Inoue remix)
- Be Free (feat Gretchen Rhodes - Unreleased Masaki Morii EZ dub remix)
- Set Me Free (Satoshi Tomiie Buttburgling club mix)
- Reset (feat Marc Evans - Man without A Clue remix)
- Love Saved My Life (feat Dawn Tallman - The Cube Guys remix)
- Too Close (feat Reji - A.H.B vocal mix)
- All Day All Night (Satoshi Fumi re-edit)
- The Northern City (Johnny Fiasco mix)
- Clear My Mind (Dazzle Drums remix)
- Planetary Voyage (feat Afra - Spencer Parker's A Gun For Hire vocal remix)
- The Rough (Ver. 2)
- Be Yourself (feat Joi Cardwell - A.R. Mysterious Vibes)
- Back Together (feat Sandy B - Hiroshi's Massive club mix)
- Don't Deny Love (Mondo Grosso re-edit)
- Cosmic Sun (JTK dub)
- What's Bugging You?
- Tears & Light (feat Miho Hatori - Kuniyuki remix)
- Kote' Moun Yo (Joe's Rough mix)
- Sometimes (feat Sheree Hicks - Fuminori Kagajo remix)
- Josephine (Yuichi Inoue remix)
- Moments (feat Monday Michiru)
- Asagiri
- Home (TOL vocal remix)
- Inner Spirit (Toshiyuki Goto's Spirit mix)
- De Ja Vu (Akiko Kiyama dub)
- Blue Skies (Malawi Rocks remix)
- Touch The Sky (feat N'Dea Davenport - Erik Kupper remix)
- Get Back To Love (feat Dawn Tallman - Orienta-Rhythm original club mix)
- Delight Earth
- Heaven Is Right Here (feat AK - Danny Krivit & Dazzle Drums vocal mix)
- Life Time (Daishi Dance remix)
- Bahia (Kyoto Jazz Massive D & B mix 12" edit)
- Be Yourself (feat Josh Milan - DJ Gomi remix)
- Piece Of Heaven (feat Adeola Ranson - Sean McCabe Paradise Vox mix)
37 tracks | King Street Sounds |