- The Darkness (Cubemode radio mix)
- The Darkness (Gabriel Cly radio mix)
- The Darkness (Joseph Monroe radio mix)
- The Darkness (SUPERMONO radio mix)
- Evomaster (Levelmute radio mix)
- Evomaster (Lowsize radio mix)
- Evomaster (Phonolove radio mix)
- My Leaks (Joseph Monroe radio mix)
- My Leaks (Monodim radio mix)
- My Leaks (Phonolove radio mix)
- My Leaks (SUPERMONO radio mix)
- The Struggle (Amaphine radio mix)
- The Struggle (Command System radio mix)
- The Struggle (Cubemode radio mix)
- The Struggle (Garawave radio mix)
15 tracks | Knob |