- Damn It's Fat (feat Ricky Burns - 130bpm - 155bpm Transition)
- Damn It's Fat (feat Ricky Burns - 155bpm - 130bpm Transition)
- Freq Me (acapella)
- That Booty (feat Lil Mz 313 - 125bpm - 148bpm Transition)
- That Booty (feat Lil Mz 313 - 148bpm - 125bpm Transition)
- Take A Ride Through Detroit (acapella Loop)
- Count Back (acapella Loop)
- Ride That Thing (feat Gettoblaster & Missy - 130bpm - 150bpm Transition)
- Ride That Thing (feat Gettoblaster & Missy - 150bpm - 130bpm Transition)
- Hold Up (feat DJ Deeon - acapella)
10 tracks | Databass US |