International Anthem
20 tracks | International Anthem |
1 track | International Anthem |
11 tracks | International Anthem |
Ruth Goller
- Often They Came To Visit, Even Just To See How She Was (M1)
- In More Turbulent Times, She Managed To Take The Perfect Shot (M4)
- What's Really Important She Wanted To Know - Part 1 (M6)
- What's Really Important She Wanted To Know - Part 2 (M7)
10 tracks | International Anthem |
4 tracks | International Anthem |
10 tracks | International Anthem |
Flores Para Verene / Cantos Para Caramina
- Father And Son (for Cal Massey)
- Come Sunday, Bass (for Ellington And Dolphy)
- The Inflated Tear, V1 (for Rahsaan Roland Kirk)
- Fire Waltz (for Waldron, Dolphy And Little)
24 tracks | International Anthem |
Anna Butterss / Josh Johnson / Gregory Uhlmann / Jeremiah Chiu / Booker Stardrum / SML
Small Medium Large
more...13 tracks | International Anthem |
Carlos Ni?o / Carlos Ni?o & Friends
- Love To All Doulas! (feat Nate Mercereau)
- Some Rest For The Midwives . . . (feat Jamire Williams/Sam Gendel)
- Real Vital Organs (feat Jamael Dean)
- Surges, Expansions (feat Dexter Story/Nate Mercereau)
13 tracks | International Anthem |
4 tracks | International Anthem |
7 tracks | International Anthem |
Ariel Kalma
The Closest Thing To Silence
- Ten Hour Wave
- Breathing In Three Orbits (Intro)
- Breathing In Three Orbits
- The Closest Thing To Silence
11 tracks | International Anthem |
11 tracks | International Anthem |
Bex Burch
There Is Only Love & Fear
- Dawn Blessings (feat Macie Stewart)
- If I Was You, I'd Be Doing Exactly The Same
- Don't Go Back To Sleep (feat Dan Bitney)
- Fruit Smoothie With Peanut Butter
12 tracks | International Anthem |
Alabaster Deplume
Come With Fierce Grace
- Sibomandi (feat Falle Nioke)
- What Can It Take
- To That Voice And Say
- Greek Honey Slick (feat Tom Skinner)
12 tracks | International Anthem |
Carlos Nino
(I'm Just) Chillin', On Fire
- Venice 100720, Hands In Soil (feat Josh Johnson, Nate Mercereau & Jamire Williams)
- Mighty Stillness (feat V.C.R, Josh Johnson, Nate Mercereau & Jamire Williams)
- Love Dedication (For Annelise) (feat Surya Botofasina)
- Flutestargate (feat Deantoni Parks & Nate Mercereau)
18 tracks | International Anthem |