Label: Modern Love - All
Friday Jul 6, 2007
Deepchord Presents: Echospace
The Coldest Season - Pt 2
The second part Echospace's Coldest Season series has 2 almighty works on it. Kicking off with 'Abraxas', you'll find youself drenched to the gills in... more...
12inch | Modern Love: Love030 | out of stock |
Wednesday Jun 20, 2007
Deepchord Presents: Echospace
The Coldest Season - Pt 1
Rod Modell, in collaboration with Steven Hitchell (Soultek) has re-wired his studio again and is once again receiving great acclaim for his low-end te... more...
12inch | Modern Love: Love029 | out of stock |
Wednesday Jun 13, 2007
Andy Stott
The Massacre
Warm spaced out dubtechno. One of the label's deepest, most bass-heavy 12'' to date. Ssounding like a midnight jam between Theo Parrish, Maurizio, Lar... more...
12inch | Modern Love: Love035 | out of stock |
Wednesday Apr 25, 2007
Move D
''AC1D'' on the a-side was originally laid down a good decade ago, though the version here was reworked together with longtime Move D collaborator Kai... more...
12inch | Modern Love: Love028 | out of stock |
Claro Intelecto
Warehouse Sessions Vol. 4
The 4th and most astonishing twelve in this series to date. 'Instinct' has a percussive spine so crisp and spacious it almost threw us off our chairs... more...
12inch | Modern Love: Love034 | out of stock |
Thursday Mar 15, 2007
Andy Stott
Deep electronic house, minimal techno & experimental dubby electronix of the absloute highest level by Mr. Stott. Recommended! more...
2x12inch | Modern Love: Love024 | out of stock |
12inch | Modern Love: Love026 | out of stock |
Saturday Mar 3, 2007
Andy Stott
Handle With Care
Recommended by: klen
The second in Mr Stott's occasional series of bass heavy 10'' emissions comes to us with little warning and incendiary precision. ''Handle With Care''... more...
10inch | Modern Love: Love027 | out of stock |
Friday Sep 15, 2006
Andy Stott
The Nervous ep
Recommended by: Clone
Andy Stott's latest twelve, announing the acclaimed full album, due for release in september. Two brand new tracks not to be found on the full length... more...
12inch | Modern Love: Love025 | out of stock |
Wednesday Jun 21, 2006
Claro Intelecto
Warehouse Sessions Vol. 3
Recommended by: klen
Part 3 in the best-selling Warehouse Sessions. Do we need to say more? Look out for Claro's full album due for release in october.
12inch | Modern Love: Love022 | out of stock |
Tuesday Jun 20, 2006
Andy Stott
Choke / For The Love
Recommended by: klen
Awesome, suprise issue. and-stamped, bona fide 10-inch dubplate from the Modern Love camp. Ultra heavy bass - weighty styles!
10inch | Modern Love: Love023 | out of stock |
Wednesday May 31, 2006
Claro Intelecto
Warehouse Sessions Vol. 2
With the 1st installment in this series already having enjoyed four re-presses in 3 months, ''Warehouse Sessions 2'' arrives with a twisted show of ap... more...
12inch | Modern Love: Love021 | out of stock |
Tuesday Feb 7, 2006
Mariel Ito
Indexed EP
Eric Estornell has decided to take things one step further with the creation of a new alter ego programmed and honed for maximum dancefloor decimation... more...
12inch | Modern Love: Love014 | out of stock |
Thursday Jan 12, 2006
Claro Intelecto
Warehouse Sessions Vol. 1
New Claro Intelecto who seems to have built a strong trademark in deep minimalist techno. High quality and a timeless production!
12inch | Modern Love: Love020 | out of stock |
Friday Aug 19, 2005
Andy Stott
Replace ep
A name you'll be intimately familiar with before the year’s out. Absolutely killer release by Claro Intelecto's protege.
12inch | Modern Love: Love012 | out of stock |