Label: Modern Love - All

Friday Jul 6, 2007

Deepchord Presents: Echospace

The Coldest Season - Pt 2

The second part Echospace's Coldest Season series has 2 almighty works on it. Kicking off with 'Abraxas', you'll find youself drenched to the gills in... more...

12inch Modern Love: Love030

Wednesday Jun 20, 2007

Deepchord Presents: Echospace

The Coldest Season - Pt 1

Rod Modell, in collaboration with Steven Hitchell (Soultek) has re-wired his studio again and is once again receiving great acclaim for his low-end te... more...

12inch Modern Love: Love029

Wednesday Jun 13, 2007

Andy Stott

The Massacre

Warm spaced out dubtechno. One of the label's deepest, most bass-heavy 12'' to date. Ssounding like a midnight jam between Theo Parrish, Maurizio, Lar... more...

12inch Modern Love: Love035

Wednesday Apr 25, 2007

Move D


''AC1D'' on the a-side was originally laid down a good decade ago, though the version here was reworked together with longtime Move D collaborator Kai... more...

12inch Modern Love: Love028

Claro Intelecto

Warehouse Sessions Vol. 4

The 4th and most astonishing twelve in this series to date. 'Instinct' has a percussive spine so crisp and spacious it almost threw us off our chairs... more...

12inch Modern Love: Love034

Thursday Mar 15, 2007

Andy Stott


Deep electronic house, minimal techno & experimental dubby electronix of the absloute highest level by Mr. Stott. Recommended! more...

2x12inch Modern Love: Love024

Pendle Coven

Hex ep

Serious spaced-out tripping minimalistic techno stuff.

12inch Modern Love: Love026

Saturday Mar 3, 2007

Andy Stott

Handle With Care

The second in Mr Stott's occasional series of bass heavy 10'' emissions comes to us with little warning and incendiary precision. ''Handle With Care''... more...

10inch Modern Love: Love027

Friday Sep 15, 2006

Andy Stott

The Nervous ep

Andy Stott's latest twelve, announing the acclaimed full album, due for release in september. Two brand new tracks not to be found on the full length... more...

12inch Modern Love: Love025

Wednesday Jun 21, 2006

Claro Intelecto

Warehouse Sessions Vol. 3

Part 3 in the best-selling Warehouse Sessions. Do we need to say more? Look out for Claro's full album due for release in october.

12inch Modern Love: Love022

Tuesday Jun 20, 2006

Andy Stott

Choke / For The Love

Awesome, suprise issue. and-stamped, bona fide 10-inch dubplate from the Modern Love camp. Ultra heavy bass - weighty styles!

10inch Modern Love: Love023

Wednesday May 31, 2006

Claro Intelecto

Warehouse Sessions Vol. 2

With the 1st installment in this series already having enjoyed four re-presses in 3 months, ''Warehouse Sessions 2'' arrives with a twisted show of ap... more...

12inch Modern Love: Love021

Tuesday Feb 7, 2006

Mariel Ito

Indexed EP

Eric Estornell has decided to take things one step further with the creation of a new alter ego programmed and honed for maximum dancefloor decimation... more...

12inch Modern Love: Love014

Thursday Jan 12, 2006

Claro Intelecto

Warehouse Sessions Vol. 1

New Claro Intelecto who seems to have built a strong trademark in deep minimalist techno. High quality and a timeless production!

12inch Modern Love: Love020

Friday Aug 19, 2005

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2LP Modern Love: Love011
12inch Modern Love: Love004

Andy Stott

Replace ep

A name you'll be intimately familiar with before the year’s out. Absolutely killer release by Claro Intelecto's protege.

12inch Modern Love: Love012