- The Big Space (Kris B & Madison remix)
- (Still) Some Life (J-Punch remix)
- Projected Tones (Jeff Devas remix)
- Second Coming (Create Their Own Past) (Joel Armstrong remix)
- The Big Space (Kris B vs Nosmo remix)
- Sugar Evolver (Suite 406 remix)
- So What Now, New Soul? (Virgil Howe remix)
- Counterprogramming (Bitstream Dream remix)
- The Big Space (Torin Small Space remix)
- Projected Tones (Aaron Lee's Rub-A-dub club mix)
- Ma-Ma-Ma Belle (Chris Domingo remix)
- The Big Space (Ben Brown remix)
- Council Housed & Violent (Vile Evils F*cking & Fighting version)
- Projected Tones (Kris B vs Nosmo remix)
- Brilliant Disguise 2006 (Max Hall remix)
- The Big Space (Datguy remix)
- A Novel Of Passion & Ruin (Loaded remix)
- Really Going Down (Moodi Drury remix)
18 tracks | dPulse Recordings |