- Welcome To Hell
- Headcase
- The Unknown
- Damage
- Skullf**ker
- The Fine Art Of Killing Yourself
- Rhythm & Hate
- Stormbreaker
- M15
- Crown Of Thorns
- Do Onto Others
- Animal
- Mephisto
- Zero
- Street Justice
- Mutation
- God Of Killers
- Corrupt
- Achtung (Elettronico remix)
- Animal (Caustic remix)
- Damage (C/A/T remix)
- Headcase (Floppy Disc remix)
- M15 (Scap.Edx remix)
- M15 (Vuxnut remix)
- Mephisto ( (Antigen Shift remix)
- No Frequency (Angel Theory remix)
- No Frequency (Imperative Reaction remix)
- Rhythm & Hate (Endif remix)
- Rhythm & Hate (Iszoloscope remix)
- The Fine Art Of Killing Yourself (The Operative remix)
- The Fine Art Of Killing Yourself (Prometheus Burning remix)
- The Unknown (Edgey remix)
- Welcome To Hell (Manufactura remix)
33 tracks | Industrial Strength US |