- Meathead
- Dancing Hermit
- Pots, Pans & Farmhands
- Pre-Serene
- Toenails
- Tough Guys
- A = Only Ayn Rand
- Hit The Spot
- Tink Ram Batter
- Whip'll Snap Like A Dud
- Garlic Chunk
- Shoulder Crack
- Heck Im Auge
- Portadora De Maiz
- Imagine A Face You've Never Seen
- Asphalt Bungle
- Suture Self
- Killer Kitty Litter Castle
- Your Welcome Mat
- Guillotar Fetch
- Confusion Is A Ways To Go
- Nerve Thief
- Just Scared Off
- Pacifier's Pants On Fire
- Down Are Up El Why Be?
- The Sleeper
- Zeppless
- Hanover Fiste
- Thunder
29 tracks | Roof Tapes |