3rdknd / Forbidden Society / Donny / Katharsys / Deathmachine / The Satan / Pythius / Hallucinator And Neonlight
Prophets Of The Doom Remixes Part 3
3rdknd|Forbidden Society|Donny|Katharsys|Deathmachine|The Satan|Pythius|Hallucinator And Neonlight - Prophets Of The Doom Remixes Part 3

- Kill (feat Donny/Katharsys And Forbidden Society - Pythius remix)
- Panger (feat Donny/Katharsys And Forbidden Society - Neonlight remix)
- Demons (feat Donny/Katharsys/Forbidden Society And Hallucinator - Hallucinator remix)
- The Fix (feat Katharsys/Donny And Forbidden Society - Deathmachine remix)
- Demons (feat Donny/Katharsys/Forbidden Society And The Satan - The Satan remix)
- Cognitive (feat Katharsys/Donny And Forbidden Society - Katharsys VIP)
- The Upside Down (feat Katharsys/Donny And Forbidden Society - Donny VIP)
- Remnant Of A Dream (feat Katharsys/Donny And Forbidden Society - Forbidden Society VIP)
- Kill (feat Donny/Katharsys And Forbidden Society - Forbidden Society VIP)
9 tracks | Forbidden Society Recordings |