- Alkali (Mirror remix)
- Somebody To Hate (Cyanotic remix)
- American Porn Song (Skold remix)
- Become Your None (Sparrow remix)
- Useless People (Villainous remix)
- Alkali (Left Spine Down remix)
- American Porn Song (Black remix)
- To Hell (Heroin Jazz remix)
- Blackbird (The Gunnery remix)
- It Turns All Bad (Drone remix)
- Become Your None (Silent Strangers remix)
- Enjoy The Pain (Novus Anesthetic remix)
- Alkali (Everything Goes Cold remix)
- Can You Find God? (Torsion / Solex remix)
- Enjoy The Pain (Orko13 The Attitude remix)
- American Porn Song (Team Cybergeist remix)
- Become Your None (SMP vs Stiff Valentine remix)
- It Turns All Bad (Unter Null remix)
18 tracks | Metropolis US |