1 track | Stroom |
5 tracks | Stroom |
5 tracks | Stroom |
8 tracks | Stroom |
21 tracks | Stroom |
33 tracks | Stroom |
9 tracks | Stroom |
Sergeant (Explicit)
- Seduced By Each & Every Shiny Object I Became An Infant In A Sea Of Glance
- To What Human Product Precisely Are You Devoting So Much Ingenuity
- This Song Emanates From The Common Man Claiming His Right To Poetry
- Not Sensing The World, I Should Forget It's Existence & Be Forgotten By Those Who Live In It
9 tracks | Stroom |
15 tracks | Stroom |
5 tracks | Stroom |
Kiri Uu
Creak-whoosh (Estonian, Ingrian And Votian Song Re-imagined In Australia By Olev Muska And Mihkel Tartu)
- Veimevaka Jagamine / Distributing The Dowry
- T?immairuudiralla
- Piirileikkilaulu / Roundelay
- Ilu Neiu Kiigel / Pretty Girl On A Swing
9 tracks | Stroom |
4 tracks | Stroom |
10 tracks | Stroom |