
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022


Essences EP

After recent resurrection from the early 90s on labels Mirror Zone, Animals on Psychedelics and Klasse Wrecks, Memphis returns with the Essences EP br... more...

12inch Memphis: MEMPHIS202201

Wednesday Feb 2, 2022


Shake & Rock Till the Police Knock Memphis

Many of you will be aware of the band Homegrown Syndrome. They were also known locally as Homegrown Funk & the band Memphis that put out one extremely... more...

7inch Athens Of The North: ATH096
Also available @ D\G\T\L

Thursday Sep 5, 2019


Ukigumo (Floating Clouds)

Memphis is back on Mirror Zone! In unlocking the stoic DAT tapes we open a direct channel from 1993 to this now; three tracks which are meditative, es... more...

12inch Mirror Zone: MZ004