Thursday Jan 12, 2023



/DL/MS/ debuts on Mechatronica with a radiant blend of forward-thinking electro cuts and futuristic bass music. more...

Mini-LP Mechatronica Music: MTRON028

Monday May 2, 2022



''Every 4,044 years comet Calanhi enters the inner solar system, returning from its long and silent voyage through the Oort cloud. As it approaches pe... more...

2LP Trust: TRUST040

Monday May 28, 2018


Exit Ghost

Deep space techno electro on TRUST celebrating the label's year XX. /DL/MS/ is the viennese duo behind recent Frustrated Funk outing, 'Omakuda', l... more...

12inch Trust: Trust031

Monday Apr 16, 2018

12inch Frustrated Funk: FR040