Label: Cobra Club Records - In Stock

Monday May 30, 2022

I-F & Alden Tyrell

The Amazing Run Through The Victory Boogie Woogie Tunnel

Boogie Woogie NOW! is een ode aan de Victory Boogie Woogietunnel en de nieuwe verbinding die ermee ontstaat tussen Den Haag en Rotterdam. Boogie Woogi... more...

12inch Cobra Club Records: VXX-001

Monday Oct 25, 2021


Voertuig EP

Cobra Club Records is back once again with another banger from The Hague City. This time by hardware jamming sensation Voertuig. 3 original jams by V... more...

EP Cobra Club Records: CCR003

Monday May 7, 2018

Sterk Water

Marie EP

This is Cobra Club Records with their first ever release. The Marie EP, featuring two originals by The Hague youngsters Sterk Water sporting repetitiv... more...

12inch Cobra Club Records: CCR001