Label: Emphasis Recordings - In Stock

Friday May 3, 2019



Steven Tang's Emphasis returns with the reclusive Intrinsic on Firewalls. ''Firewalls'' builds soulfully techno syncopated synths & rhythms while the... more...

12inch Emphasis Recordings: EMP019

Tuesday Feb 7, 2017


Junk Habit

Tang breaks out a little-used alias, transmitting from the concrete jungle, audio hallucinogens changes thoughts. The ''habit'' is a subtle rumbling b... more...

12inch Emphasis Recordings: Emp018

Tuesday Oct 13, 2015

Chicago Skyway

Empty Patterns

''Empty Patterns'' is a collection of tracks named after empty, programmable user patterns founds in most modern sequencers, synthesizers, and drum ma... more...

12inch Emphasis Recordings: Emp016