Label: Environ - In Stock

Wednesday Feb 22, 2023

Metro Area

Metro Area 4

Autumn of 2022 marked 20 years since the initial release of Metro Area's first and only album, Metro Area. To celebrate two decades of Metro Area, Env... more...

12inch Environ: ENV014R

Metro Area

Metro Area 2

Autumn of 2022 marked 20 years since the initial release of Metro Area's first and only album, Metro Area. To celebrate two decades of Metro Area, Env... more...

12inch Environ: ENV010R

Metro Area

Metro Area 1

Autumn of 2022 marked 20 years since the initial release of Metro Area's first and only album, Metro Area. To celebrate two decades of Metro Area, Env... more...

12inch Environ: ENV008R

Metro Area

Metro Area 3

Autumn of 2022 marked 20 years since the initial release of Metro Area's first and only album, Metro Area. To celebrate two decades of Metro Area, Env... more...

12inch Environ: ENV011R

Monday Nov 28, 2022

Morgan Geist


''Duper'' is a not-so-subtle callback to his 2001 EP, ''Super''. Playful synth riffs and sweeping disco strings that remind us of early Metro Area mat... more...

12inch Environ: ENV042
Also available @ D\G\T\L

Wednesday Nov 1, 2017

Metro Area

Metro Area 15th Anniversary

15th Anniversary Remastered triple album (incl download) with all the classic works of Metro Area! The12-track triple LP and digital package combines... more...

3LP + Download Environ: ENVLP00215
Also available @ D\G\T\L