Label: Nonplace - In Stock

Friday Oct 7, 2022

Burnt Friedman & Joao Pais Felipe

Mechanics Of Waving

Since 2018, Joao Pais Filipe (drums) and Burnt Friedman (electronics/synth) have investigated into automatic pattern–composition rooted in doubling an... more...

12inch Nonplace: Nonplace053

Thursday Jun 25, 2020

Mohammad Reza Mortazavi & Burnt Friedman


Mortazavi and Friedman move hands and faders according to odd cyclical rhythms with incredible accuracy. The extreme dynamic range and rhythmic congru... more...

LP Nonplace: Nonplace052 (82398)

Wednesday Jun 3, 2020

Jaki Liebezeit and Burnt Friedman / Burnt Friedman and Joao Pais


Joao Pais Filipe (drums) and Burnt Friedman (electronics) ultimately hypnotize their audience by activating cosmic mechanics. Both refer to it as 'aut... more...

LP Nonplace: Nonplace050 (82397)

Monday Oct 2, 2017

Drums Off Chaos


Beautifully presented ‘document’ of a decades long ongoing, collective drum ensemble. more...

12inch Nonplace: Nonplace043 (28749)
Also available @ D\G\T\L

Wednesday Jan 23, 2013

Burnt Friedman


With its non-placed devices and hard-to-pin-down aesthetic falling between electronic and psychedelic music and the warm-hued sounds of traditional ac... more...

2LP Nonplace: Nonplace034
Also available @ D\G\T\L