Label: Sewer Sender - In Stock

Monday May 23, 2022



Blurry as the night and bright as the stars Maeteriet joins the fray by levitating into the system. They open their gem-covered robe and reveal all th... more...

12inch Sewer Sender: SSNDR005


Needless / Procedure

Walking the solitary path of damp scent martinou brings forth the first deliverance from label sewer sender. SSNDR001 introduces martinou with A-side... more...

12inch Sewer Sender: SSNDR001

Wednesday Apr 20, 2016


Deep sea seated concrete solid

But the continuous stream wouldn't provide sufficient answers for long. Observing rudimentary structures sewer sender became tantalized with a vision... more...

2x12inch Sewer Sender: SSNDR003
Also available @ D\G\T\L

Friday Mar 27, 2015

Nokato Nomer


by the time sewer sender had their inaugural appointment, nokato nomer found his way to the assembly right as remnants from the pulsing waste conforme... more...

12inch Sewer Sender: SSNDR002