Label: Trad Vibe - In Stock

Thursday Jun 6, 2024


Troupeau Bleu

'Troupeau Bleu' is the 1st and most famous album which had been recorded by the French Jazz-Funk band legend, Cortex. In 1974, Alain Mion, Alain Gando... more...

CD Trad Vibe: TVCD007B

Thursday May 30, 2024


Les Oiseaux Morts / Back To Life

This is a first ever reissue for this lovely little jazz 7'', which first landed in 1976. It was recorded just after French jazz fusion group Cortex's... more...

7inch Trad Vibe: TV017

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023


Stand & Move / High On The Funk

Trad Vibe Records is pleased to present the first release of classic Jazz-Funk band Cortex, remixed. These 2 underrated gems seemed obvious material t... more...

12inch Trad Vibe: TV1208



The first reissue of the famous and long-awaited ''Medley Maxi 45'' by Cortex. Originally released in 1979, this Medley is the perfect tool for DJs. O... more...

12inch Trad Vibe: TV1210

Thursday May 30, 2013


Troupeau Bleu

'Troupeau Bleu' is the 1st and most famous album which had been recorded by the French Jazz-Funk band legend, Cortex. In 1974, Alain Mion, Alain Gando... more...

LP Trad Vibe: TVLP009