Sale - In Stock

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021

Colin Potter

It Was

Platform 23 is delighted to present music from Colin Potter with It Was, a collection of tracks chosen from his 1989 cassettes Recent History Volumes... more...

LP Platform 23: PLA042

Monday Sep 27, 2021

12inch Futop Musica: FUTOPMUSICA1

Thursday Sep 23, 2021

LP Beatsqueeze: DIESS066

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021



Since launching in 2018, Constant Sound's electro-fired offshoot Inflitrate has put out some superb music from artists including such admired old hand... more...

12inch Infiltrate: INFILTRATE09

Wednesday Sep 15, 2021


A Call From The Next (Neel & Antonio De Angelis remixes)

due.sound introduces the first catalog of the label releasing an EP by NDR including remixes from Neel and Antonio De Angelis.

12inch due.sound: DUESOUND001

Saturday Sep 11, 2021



Anissa Todesco aka Amygdala is an upcoming dj/producer from Zürich, Switzerland. Her drive to search for niche 90s electronic music compositions can b... more...

12inch YLGR Recordings: YLGR002

Friday Sep 10, 2021


Lost Signals Part 2

Cignol returns to Further Electronix with another installation of the Lost Cignals EP series. The second part picks up on the Dublin producer’s pedigr... more...

10inch Furthur Electronix: FE072

Wednesday Sep 8, 2021

Alex Figueira & Machado

Quando Sera

Alex Figueira, the man behind Music With Soul, Fumaça Preta & Conjunto Papa Upa, has teamed up with Maxado, Brazil's leading rocksteady vocalist, to c... more...

7inch Music With Soul: MWS011

Various Artists

Second Wave

This collection of 12 tracks - like the 12 months that have just passed, delivers a multi-faceted testimony of our experience with the pandemic, trans... more...

2LP + Download Random Numbers: RN018

Tuesday Sep 7, 2021

Hironori Takahashi


Japanese DJ mastermind Hironori Takahashi emerges with a new vinyl release for Kin-Ben LABEL. It is an effortless, seductive, hypnotic and floaty piec... more...

12inch Kin-Ben Label: KBLV-010

Friday Sep 3, 2021

Various Artists

Friends and Mentors

V/A twelve on Thomas Xu's label, carrying, as the man himself states, ''the gifts and talents of individuals who I look up to and honestly enjoy the c... more...

12inch Steady Flight Circle: STYFLY3

Tuesday Aug 31, 2021


Supercinema 04

How does a musical production in the world of entertainment evolve and materialize? What happens behind the scenes of designing a musical idea? The... more...

12inch Supercinema Records: SCR04

Thursday Aug 26, 2021

Lamin Fofana


So that moving from the middle passage forward (and backward), as Jacques Roumaine said, from that “railroad of human bones . . . at the bottom of the... more...

12inch Black Studies: BLAST2

Wednesday Aug 25, 2021

12inch Pi Electronics: PEVA02

Wednesday Aug 18, 2021

Lamin Fofana


High in the tower, where I sit above the loud complaining of the human sea, I know many souls that toss and whirl and pass, but none there are that in... more...

12inch Black Studies: BLAST1

Wednesday Jul 28, 2021

12inch Planet Rhythm: PRRUK106.11

Thursday Jul 22, 2021

Various Artists

Bardouin VA002

This various artists EP on Bardouin includes 5 tracks of some well known and new talents like Warn Twice, Charleeps, ESBA, Neida, Larson or Sentiments... more...

12inch Bardouin Music: BM003

Wednesday Jul 21, 2021


Above EP

Jochem Peteri comes drifting back into earshot with some new NWAQ tackle in tow. Beyond the plentiful reissues of his timeless earlier works, Peteri i... more...

12inch Last Age: LASTAGE01

Monday Jul 19, 2021

Paris Brightledge & Marlon Hoffstadt

Forgive You

Hot Haus is coming into 2017 all guns blazing!! Straight off the back of Mall Grab’s Pool Party EP comes a collab from Paranoids London’s Paris Bright... more...

12inch Hot Haus Recs: Hotshit031
Also available @ D\G\T\L