Following the first Scuba LP, A Mutual Antipathy (2008), and the more recent Aesaunic EP (2009), this album takes the Scuba sound to a new level. The collision of dubstep and techno has produced startling music from a wide range of producers in the last few years, none more than Scuba, and that has been well documented. But Triangulation moves past the dubstep/techno axis and into new territory. Working at multiple tempos, the album covers an area ranging from house to experimental drum n bass while retaining the Scuba sound that has become so distinctive. You Got Me and So You Think You're Special, released as an advance 12'', reflect the range of the album with the huge bass and frenetic energy of the former contrasting with the melancholic atmospheres and melodies of the latter. The listless beauty of Before, the aggressively percussive Minerals and the hyperactive electro of On Deck provide further stylistic variation, but this is not simply a collection of tracks - for the best sonic results this album should be listened to in full.
3x12inch | Hotflush: HFLP03 | out of stock |