TR \\ ER & AD \\ TD

4 artists, 2 tracks, 1 vinyl. \''We want to push artists we love to there limits. getting them to move outside their comfort zones and venture into new territories. Swap ideas, techniques and sounds, as long as it feels fresh and unique to the artist, their partner and us that is all we ask\''. UC - TR \\ ER :: A debut collaboration for the Brothers imprint. These boys smash out a belter of track, fusing their writing styles together seamlessly. The distorted broken drum pattern starts as it means to go on, an acidic line pulsates through the industrial metallic flow of the percussion and is the central piece to this unique track all wrapped up in warm analogue goodness. Multiple Visions - AD \\ TD :: Another debut collaboration, Three of Manchester’s finest techno producers provide a claustrophobic and moody track for the B side. Born out of a WW2 air raid shelter the brutal yet hypnotic track relives Manchester’s industrial past. Pushing the bottom end to its limit with the aggressive drums, well arranged percussion and sinister synth line accents take multiple visions to the very depths of the human soul.
12inch | Brothers: Bros001 | out of stock |