Various Artists
When I Was 14

An album constructed with the songs of a varied collection of artists; fast and furious rhythms at times exceeding 140 bpm, live cuts, tracks with a song structure. “The idea behind the album was born the other night from a very broad conversation I (Nina) and Tombo had on the way people form their opinions and criticisms. That opinions are reflecting the inner world of the people who criticise and an opinion should be based on something… what it depends on and how this process has to do with growth, knowledge, self assurance and self improvement. That all things are relative and all eyes are different. That in the end it’s important to grow and shape your opinion, make up your own mind. This was the point of inspiration for Tombo - his artwork representing two worlds and two young boys who are affected by the ‘outside’, controlled and manipulated. One manages to escape by shaping his own desires, growth being a matter of choice. Learning that what enables one to see and understand more, is the freedom from anyone's opinion but your own.”
???? 006 continues the tradition of gatefold double EPs as conceptual album. All tracks are selected around a particular story, a trip, and presented as a continuous sonic landscape. All tracks are structured in a way that they can be mixed one with another an endless amount of times making a continuous loop, a trip, that needs only end when the party stops. Kraviz works without release dates or deadlines, enabling her to achieve a certain sound bank to shape the story, unmasking the thoughts and unravelling like a dream.
2LP | Trip: TRP006 | out of stock |