Piero Umiliani
Switched On Naples

Sonor Music Editions is glad and proud to announce the reissue of a very underrated Piero Umiliani's masterpiece. ''SWITCHED ON NAPLES'', originally released in 1972 on OmiCron LP 0023, is an outstanding Library with pure touch of genius: Maestro Umiliani revisits Naples popular songs in Electronic way by the use of synthesizer. The record is entirely carried out with Electronic sounds. From back sleeve notes:
''..The melodic and contrapuntual lines are produced by the Putney VCS 3 synthesizer; the percussions and the rhytmical accompaniment by the Lowrey small Electronic brain; the bass by the Busillacchio keyboard electronic bass. I started from a research of sounds similar to the vibes produced by traditional instruments (like the barrel-organ of ''Maria Marì'' or like the sequence of ''Vieni Sul Mar'', where the Tenor Sax, the Trumpet in its upper mood, the Baritone Sax, the Banjo, the flute ecc. follow one another) to achieve the creation of plurely imaginative sounds, like (1) ''vento-che-si-fa-voce'' (wind-turning-to-voice), (2) the ''electronic caccavella'', (3) the ''scacciapensieri basso'' (jews' harp-bass), (4) the ''usignolo accordato'' (tuned nightingale). For the first time in the history of Electronic music, these sounds produced by the synthesizer lose their science fiction appearence to aquire a fully Italian flavour, where the folkloristic component often joints the ''grimace'', the ''character'' and the unconventional wit typical of Neapolitans.'' PIERO UMILIANI
LP | Sonor Music Editions: SME27 | in stock |