Various Artists

MotorWind - when The Motor City meets The Windy City. Label founder, Derrick Thompson's track 'This Is Detroit' detonates an explosive, acid-tech fireball of tweaking frequencies accentuating a commanding vocal homage. J. Garcia brings a sub-sonic groove, brimming with peaks and valleys of elemental funk finely seasoned with a penetrating voice articulation on 'Ask Yo Self'. The long overdue return of Ellery Cowles melts his trademark glossy pad arrangements with a propulsive rhythm beatdown with his contribution, 'Dolphin'. Jerome Baker, the underground tech-house specialist, debuts on Soiree Records with 'Put It To Work' - an organic banger laced with gritty stabs atop unrelenting percussion .
12inch | Soiree: SRT166 | out of stock |