Faceless Mind

Tuesday May 26, 2009

Faceless Mind

Glasriket ep

Dublin - gothenburg connection 2009. Luke eargoggle and johan inkinen aka faceless mind (creme, breakin, strangelife) with more futuristic drexciyan/d... more...

12inch Lunar Disko Records: LDR002
Also available @ D\G\T\L

Monday May 4, 2009

Faceless Mind

Timeless Message

Another perfect electro affair from the stilleben camp. faceless Mind aka Luke Eargoggle & Johan Inkinen known for their releases on Strange Life, Bre... more...

12inch Copilote Recordings: Copilote04
Also available @ D\G\T\L

Wednesday Mar 19, 2008

Faceless Mind

Drakskeppet ep

Luke Eargoggle & Johan Inkinen bring you stiff white funk from the north of Europe . This will be their third release together following successes on... more...

12inch Breakin' Records: BRK51
Also available @ D\G\T\L

Monday Jan 21, 2008

Faceless Mind


Warehouse find! Found a handful of copies of this classic early Luke Eargoggle/Johan Inkinnen stiff electro-funk monster from over a decade ago. Just... more...

12inch Creme: Crec07
Also available @ D\G\T\L

Monday Feb 19, 2007

Faceless Mind

Data Cat

Luke Eargoggle with classic Dopplereffekt inspired electro tracks. Ice cold and robotic... probably one of his best releases! Limited edition of 500 c... more...

12inch Strange Life Records: SLR011
Also available @ D\G\T\L