Jacob London

Wednesday Feb 25, 2009

Jacob London

That's what she said

Some Chicago styled house track that will make you bounce... this is probably how Dance Mania should sound if they were still around... crazy fucked... more...

12inch Frankie Rec: Frankie042

Monday Dec 31, 2007

Jacob London

Edits #2

The A side features the long building house groove of Cherelle’s take on the Robert Palmer classic. B1 has the party favourite Double Dutch by one hit... more...

12inch Wildcard: Wildcard 002

Thursday May 10, 2007

Jacob London

Droppin Squirrels Ep

Four heavy handed big funk house tracks here with a Prince/ Clinton-esque feel to the severity of the funk. Utensil records is back again.

12inch Utensil: Utensil 019