
31-07-2023 - monday

07-10-2022 - friday

12inch Sentaku: Sentaku007

20-06-2022 - monday


Eternity EP (Incl. Alex Kassian Remix)

EP filled with evocative deep voices, trance winks and primitive progressive twists. On the flip, Alex Kassian offers his own version, where pianos an... more...

12inch Certain Music Records: CMR007

02-06-2022 - thursday


Trance And Dance EP

Rave specialists OPIA Records mark release number 12 with “Trance & Dance” by Sentaku’s, Man/ipulate. A dusty nod of respect to the timeless sounds of... more...

12inch Opia Records: Opia012

22-04-2021 - thursday



Shin’uchu’s third satellite Shinsei finally lifts-off into orbit. To complete this mission, the astronaut Man/ipulate shares six various interpretatio... more...

12inch Shin Uchu: SHINUCHU003