Parrish Smith

Friday Jun 10, 2022

Parrish Smith

Light, Cruel & Vain

Those who know Parrish Smith a little, know his long-standing mantra: ‘No elitism, no prejudices, no genre. Hypnotic, tense, comprehensible – a state... more...

LP Dekmantel: DKMNTL091

Friday Jun 29, 2018

Parrish Smith

Sex, Suicide & Speed Metal

Parrish Smith makes his Dekmantel debut on the label’s sister-techno imprint, UFO, with a blend of avant garde electronics and industrial.

12inch Dekmantel: DKMNTL-UFO7

Thursday Aug 10, 2017

Parrish Smith


Dutch distortion wizzard Parrish Smith welcomed on U.S.A. based L.I.E.S.

12inch LIES: Lies095

Tuesday May 17, 2016

Parrish Smith

Virgin Of The World

For our next chapter, there is Parrish Smith. In his wicked game of creation and demolishment he's working on combining organic and mental material wh... more...

12inch Knekelhuis: KH002