Roza Roza

Wednesday Feb 14, 2018

Roza Roza

Embassy Patterns

Secret lobster acid release. Punctured, stuttering, heavily swung alien-acid traxx plus some hefty drum jams to boot.

12inch Lobster Theremin: Lobster043
Also available @ D\G\T\L

Thursday Mar 23, 2017

Roza Roza

Sadok Sudei

Following up his tender, soul-searching, journeyman 12inch on Lobster sub-label Mork last year. The northern hemisphere's drum fanatical enigma Roza R... more...

12inch Lobster Theremin: Lobster033

Monday Mar 7, 2016

Roza Roza


Radiating from the online world through a limited batch of puristic, meddling drum-programmed experiments, this three-track debut is a pure tour de fo... more...

12inch Mork: Mork008