Label: Finders Keepers - All
Friday Dec 20, 2019
Popera Cosmic
Les Esclaves
For the few people lucky enough to have heard the entire album in the five decades since its release, the mythical Popera Cosmic LP is now considered... more...
LP | Finders Keepers: FKR096LP | in stock |
Various Artists
The B-Music Of Jean Rollin 1968-1973
A comprehensive collection of some of the finest musical moments from the formative years of the inimitable father of European Horrortica, Jean Rollin... more...
LP | Finders Keepers: FKR095LP | out of stock |
Tuesday Jan 22, 2019
Denis Wize
Wize Music
This English born Jamaican raised sound designer, artist and existentialist furrowed his own ublinkered path through lesser chartered electronic field... more...
LP | Finders Keepers: FK039 | out of stock |
Wednesday Feb 8, 2017
Masahiko Sato
An unholy grail of near mythical status finally joins the Finders Keepers Records discography in the form of this first-ever reissue of Masahiko Sato’... more...
LP | Finders Keepers: FKR079LP | out of stock |
Thursday Jun 30, 2016
Bixio, Frizzi and Tempera
Magnetic Systems
From the same vibrant cinematic landscape of 70s studio supergroups as Goblin, The Pawnshop, The Group and The Braen’s Machine comes The Magnetic Syst... more...
LP | Finders Keepers: FKR084LP | out of stock |
Wednesday Jun 8, 2016
Jean-Bernard Raiteux
Les Demons
The unreleased Euro pysch score to the French/Portuguese X-rated version of The Devils meets The Witchfinder General! Proudly claiming the dubious ac... more...
LP | Finders Keepers: FKR086lp | out of stock |
Thursday Jun 2, 2016
Bruno Spoerri
Langstrasse Zwischen 12 Und 12
From his seemingly bottomless well of unreleased conceptual pop, jazz and pioneering electronic experiments, Swiss composer Bruno Spoerri, in conjunct... more...
LP | Finders Keepers: FKR085lp | in stock |
Wednesday Apr 20, 2016
Andrzej Korzynski
Andrzej Korzynskis Music Score For Andrzej Zulawskis Motion Picture Possession.
Recommended by: DJ Overdose
All tracks previously unreleased outside of the context of the film. Some tracks did not appear in the final cut of the film. These tracks have never... more...
LP | Finders Keepers: FKR062LP | out of stock |
Thursday Jan 7, 2016
Jean-Claude Vannier
L'Enfant Assassin Des Mouches
Recommended by: Jeremiah R
Without a shadow of doubt, the flagship LP with best odds on becoming a discerning household object was Histoire de Melody Nelson by one Serge Gainsbo... more...
LP | Finders Keepers: FKR001LPX | in stock |
Thursday Nov 12, 2015
Bruno Nicolai
Tutti I Colori Del Buio
Recorded in January 1972 at Morricone’s Ortophonic studio in Rome (home of Goblin’s Roller and Alessandroni’s Sangue di sbirro amongst many others) Br... more...
LP | Finders Keepers: FKR071LP | out of stock |
Thursday Apr 23, 2015
Bruce Ditmas
Yellow Dust
Bruce Ditmas is a very unique heavy musician from one of those special tightknit communities that tried (and almost succeeded) to change the facade of... more...
LP | Finders Keepers: FKR078 | in stock |
Thursday Nov 13, 2014
Daniela Casa
Sovrapposizione Di Immagini
Recommended by: J A
In an alternate universe the Rome born female synthesist Daniela Casa would be a household name. A genuine pioneer of experimental pop music, abstract... more...
LP | Finders Keepers: FKR072LP | out of stock |
Bruno Nicolai
All The Colours Of The Dark (Tutti I Colori Del Buio)
Recorded in January 1972 at Morricone’s Ortophonic studio in Rome (home of Goblin’s Roller and Alessandroni’s Sangue di sbirro amongst many others) Br... more...
LP | Finders Keepers: FKR071LP-A | out of stock |
Tuesday Oct 14, 2014
Philippe D'Aram
An early exponent of the growing trend of synthesizer music in horror soundtracks, Philippe D’Aram and his 1979, 11-track LP, score for Jean Rollin’s... more...
10inch | Finders Keepers: FKR054A | out of stock |
Wednesday Jul 16, 2014
George Duning & The Brothers Candoli / Gianfranco Reverberi
Bell, Book And Candle / The Reincarnation Of Isabel
For the final chapter of the Finders Kreepers 7″ series of bygone supernatural psychedelic cinema scores we combine a true universal classic wit... more...
7inch | Finders Keepers: Kreep05 | in stock |
Wednesday May 7, 2014
Pierre Henry / Alex North
Malefices / The Bad Seed
Originally released in 1960 and 1962 on two unique formats with over-lapping tracklists, the seminal Music From Mathematics Showcase Project marked th... more...
7inch | Finders Keepers: Kreep03 | out of stock |
Thursday Apr 10, 2014
7inch | Finders Keepers: Kreep04 | out of stock |
Wednesday Feb 26, 2014
Bruno Nicolai
Marquis de Sade
Represented here on this special commemorative format you will find some of the finest fruits from an infamous fertile creative relationship between t... more...
LP | Finders Keepers: FKR069LP | out of stock |
Lubos Fiser
Valerie A Tyden Divu (Valerie And Her Week Of Wonders)
It has been exactly ten years since Finders Keepers Records rst liberated Lubos Fiser's immaculate soundtrack music for Valerie And Her Week Of Wonder... more...
LP | Finders Keepers: FKR009LPXA | out of stock |