Label: Obliques - All

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024

Model Alpha


Model Alpha is inspired by electronic artists such as Kraftwerk, Laurie Spiegel, Manuel Gottsching and early Detroit Techno productions. Eight years a... more...

LP Obliques: OBL005
Also available @ D\G\T\L

Suzanne Ciani & Jonathan Fitoussi

Golden Apples Of The Sun

Mainly recorded in California, facing the Pacific Ocean, the white sound of synthesizers mixes constantly with the sound of the waves and wind.The mus... more...

LP Obliques: OBL006

Jonathan Fitoussi & Clemens Hourriere


Fitoussi & Hourrière tethered again to the classic Buchla modular synthesiser, but this time for composed the soundtrack of an amazing aerial ballet i... more...

LP Obliques: OBL003

Jean-Benoit Dunckel & Jonathan Fitoussi

Mirages II

AIR's Jean-Benoit Dunckel & Jonathan Fitoussi have joined forces to release Mirages II, a sonic exploration of analogue synthesis, moving from the min... more...

LP Obliques: OBL009