Label: Traversable Wormhole - In Stock

Tuesday Dec 3, 2019

Traversable Wormhole

Regions Of Time

Adam X’s highly respected, deep, science fiction laden, Traversable Wormhole project celebrates its 10-year journey with a first full-length studio al... more...

2x12inch Traversable Wormhole: TWLP001
Also available @ D\G\T\L

Wednesday Aug 17, 2011


Traversable Wormhole Vol.8

Adam X's Traversable Wormhole continues where it has left, using it's futuristic sound to defend techno, bringing it far into the future. Techno-heads... more...

12inch Traversable Wormhole: TW008

Wednesday Apr 7, 2010


Traversable Wormhole Vol.7

Raw harder techno tracks from New York techno veteran Adam X.

12inch Traversable Wormhole: TW007