Unit Moebius
The Golden Years Part 1

The first vinyl version of the upcoming CD album with some magical works of Unit Moebius. This first 12'' contains some of their hottest tracks including the legendary ''World goes around'', an evil cover of a classic Chicagohouse track by Cool McCool. The flip side contains the more deeper side from their first releases. For those who were there in those years '91/'92/'93, at the famous parties in The Hague and Rotterdam, this is a walk down memory lane, for those to young or living in other parts of the world... imagine these tracks in a dark, very dark sweaty basement with only strobe light and smoke machines, camouflage nets, and jacking acid and techno sounds for more then 10 ours. Dj's such as I-f, Serge, Schmerzlabor, Peter Ptau Ptau and live acts such as Unit Moebius played the hottest and freshest music all night long until you lost your sense of time and place and ended in a total mind trip. The pure essence of house and techno! The golden years :-)
12inch | Clone Classic Cuts: C#CC017.1 | out of stock |