Scarecrows ep

Fernando is back on Redux to unleash his first original solo material from his forthcoming debut album. Scarecrows kicks the e.p off , setting the tone immediately with a rock steady bass groove , crisp synth stabs and catchy vocal snippets (from another famous goth influence) sprinkled on top that will stick in your head for days .Bladerunner ups the energy a notch with some lively drums and a beefy bassline sure to shake any waistline (one size fits all). Weird trippy textures and surging synth sounds keep it moving and occupy your brain whilst the groove kidnaps your feet and hips on the dancefloor.On remix duty is Croatia' s leading light and all round nice guy Ilija Rudiman. Taking a slightly different approach for Scarecrows, giving the track a deeper, moody feeling but still keeping the essence of the original. Subtle pads and acid lines weave in and out as the groove pushes on and draws you closer in, dropping in to the break down and sending you off singing doop doop doop do do. This 12'' clearly showcases some of the freshest talent that's coming through the ranks and will instantly appeal to fans of Reverso 68, Tensnake and Emperor Machine to name a few strong examples.
12inch | Redux: Redux009 | out of stock |