Originals Volume 3 (Compiled by Sean P)

So, finally, a year in the making, comes Sean P’s Originals collection - the missing third volume in this brilliant Claremont 56 CD series. Here we’re lucky enough to get an insight into the musical mind of one of the most respected collectors out there. Sean has spent many a year building up an encyclopaedic knowledge of all things musical and along the way amassed such a huge record collection it’s rumoured his home is partly built from vinyl. As a young lad growing up in South London Sean immersed himself in the world of record
collecting and developed a taste for the New York sound of labels such as Prelude and West End when most of us were still obsessed with Adam & The Ants. A love of soul music and boogie flourished and it wasn’t long before Sean was gracing the airwaves on various pirate stations. Clubs soon followed and a reputation as a fine and expert selector developed. However it’s not all soul and disco in Mr P’s world as this compilation shows. Sean is just as
happy expounding the virtues of obscure pop and psychedelia as well as sharing a detailed knowledge of long lost black music most of us will have never heard and without Sean are unlikely to. And let’s not even get started on the jazz!
As a regular feature behind the counter of some of London’s finest second hand vinyl emporiums Sean has had the opportunity to share nuggets and educate many of us in the ways of record collecting. He’s not been awarded the soubriquet The Knowledge for nothing. Limited edition hand numbered copies. Tip!
CD | Claremont 56: C56CD006 | out of stock |