Mental Overdrive
My House EP

Based on an old sketch for a track that was lost for 20 years and then suddenly resurfaced on an old DAT tape when he moved his studio, latest offering from Per Martinsen AKA Mental Overdrive takes us into a universe where big pianos and bright sunshine is the order of the day. To make things even more summery and relaxed he teamed up with fellow Norwegian disco connoisseur Rune
Lindbaek for a joint remix, and while in the studio they had a swift visit from chanteuse Anneli Drecker - recently known for her position as front vocalist for Röyksopp - who added her soothing voice to the mix to transport you
even further into balearic bliss. Finally this release also introduces the bright new talent of Boska, delivering his more uptempo remix duties to
complete this essential package to kick off the summer season.
12inch | Love OD Communications: Earth002 | in stock |