Tolga Fidan
We're Strangers Now

“I just woke and it’s pretty cold outside. I haven't opened the window yet, but I somehow know it and I'm listening to these six tracks again and try to make an approximation of why and how I have done this EP. They are pretty different from each other but tell the same story or at least are part of the same one as a matter of fact. Maybe they were done as an excuse for my overdue album which is scheduled again for this year or maybe just because I was going through some odd times and needed to immerse myself in doing something. In this case music. More the latter I guess. Ok so, the opening track is in a way the end of an era and the last one the opening of a fresher one. And the rest fills in the gaps in between those two moments I guess. I hate conceptual things anyways. I never know or want to know why I do certain things. Concepts define something before it already begins its existence and trying to explain why is pretty useless. So here it is. The recording of a certain period of time in my tiny existence. With collaborations with Jaw (dOP), my brother Atilla, who is also responsible for the artwork, and Jonny Cruz. By the time it's out it'll be a distant memory for me but hope it lasts a bit longer for anyone that listens to it.”
12inch | Vakant: VA037LP | out of stock |