Fall On Your Sword
The First Time I Saw Jupiter

Fine run of new releases on DFA this summer! The First Time I Saw Jupiter creates an atmosphere of eerie, icy desolation; sounds emit outward in what feels like the loneliness and desertion of space. The tenseness widens with the slow rise of a foreboding sustained bass tone, and from there, we pass through a range of sounds: electronic squalls, high pitched pulses, synth tones that ring out like warning bells of lurking danger. There are passing moments of airiness, laser firings and times when the swell of sound point toward a cold sonic tundra. “Rhoda’s Theme” feels slightly more hopeful and less lonely. The song begins with a soft, repeating keyboard line, and then opens up onto beatific synths. There are slight shifts of shape across its nine-minute duration, as it moves from moments of driven beats and rhythms to sections of gorgeous, nearly orchestral streams of sound.
12inch | Dfa: DFA2305 | out of stock |