Tim Love Tee
Against Nature

'Against Nature'. Apparently composed for the Brooklyn Experimental Movement Ensemble (a dance group who, wait for it... don't exist!), 'Against Nature' is in fact an act of electro-masturbation, with Tim \''Love\'' Lee recording the whole LP on a clutch of 30 year old synths. Rather than descend into a sub-Radiophonic Workshop quagmire of Theremins, songs like 'Spoonfuls Of Physic' and 'Super-Terrestrial Subtleties' are surprisingly infectious, matching the vintage equipment to some contemporary-as-you-like ideas. Elsewhere, 'Crickets Sing at The Chateau de Lourps' is an ambient somersault in the style of KoW, 'The Tortoise' is a bleeping shrug full of otherworldly noise, whilst 'The World May Shudder At My Joy' is a border-line avant piece, buttressed by Krupa drums and itchy percussion. Great!
LP | Tummy Touch: TUCH114LP | out of stock |